a small boy of five

looks up to his beautiful sister

and her singing and playing

she introduces her guitar to him

and he is entranced

when it's time for her to go

and sing with flowers in her hair

she tells him he can play it

if he wants

just be careful

and he was

still is

and he's still entranced

still looks up 

to his beautiful sister

when he gets a little older

she trusts him with her kids

he babysits and pitches in

doing dishes, cleaning, laundry

almost ruins her best dress

almost hangs himself by mistake

trying to impress her kids at the swings

but watches her kids at the pool

and he's careful

she's afraid of water

so was he

she tells him he is handsome

laughs at his jokes

listens to his stories

defends him when she doesn't have to

and he looks up to her

his beautiful sister