i don't know where to go from there
what's the next chord change?
what are you doin'?
just writin'

i was there
i got it. a simple little ditty
ok actually
i won't bug ya

where's the ashtray?
i'm good..
gotta go for a smoke
am i buggin' you yet?


so is it that you just
write what we say?


did that one time at crystal's
and it worked
just sort of lets the creative juices flow
god i love playing guitar
i've been playing for an hour

hi dad, i miss ya
world's greatest grandpa
i like that sound

don't want to go to work tomorrow
been a good long weekend
cigarette tastes funny
just brushed my teeth

holy shit a bird just
flew into the window

what's that noise?
hey look how fast i can type
just one button
is this creative or just lazy?
do I go for a beer?
when is the plumber gonna come?

burp..sigh..burp again..

the birds
the breeze
jumpin' jack flash
acid indigestion
do i have any rolaids left?
kwellada (sort of)
do i want to know?

it's just retarded...